Shadows, Demayä tarafından üretilmiş hareketli ve duygusal setler için Samm (BE) tarafından remikslenmiş Afro House türünde bir parçadır. Parça Calamar Records etiketiyle 08.01.2024 tarihinde yayına girdi.
“Shadows” isimli Afro House parçasının Samm (BE) remiksi, özgün versiyona modern bir dokunuş getiriyor. Ara sıra giren kadın vokaller, parçanın derinliklerinde hissedilen duygusal yönüyle dinleyiciyi içine çekiyor.
Afro ritimleri ve davulları, enerjik ve dansa davet eden bir atmosfer oluştururken, piyano eşliğindeki duygusal melodiler ise parçaya dokunaklı bir derinlik katıyor. Bu remix dinleyicilerini hem dans ettirirken hem de duygusal bir yolculuğa çıkarıyor.
About Artist:
Hailing from Belgium, DJ & producer Samm is making quite the name for himself. Born into a particularly musical family, his parents gifted him the love and passion for music, leading him to pick up guitar lessons at the age of 12. With a growing fascination for electronic music and vinyl, Samm first jumped into the scene of DJing by the time he was 16 years old, starting to produce music shortly after. After creating his own music studio and having established his reputation as a gifted producer for over a decade, it was finally time for Samm’s own style and solo project to see the light of day…Instantly sparking interest within the industry, Samm is now fully focused on his solo productions and evolving his own fresh and mature sound, a warm and feel-good blend of melodic techno & afro house with a touch of soul. The tone has been set with his acclaimed debut single ‘Does It Matter’, already receiving support from the likes of Adriatique, CamelPhat, Keinemusik, Pablo Fierro, Themba, and many more. With the birth of Magnifik, his new record label and community together with Ajna (BE) ,Samm is surely on his way to become one of today’s most sought-after DJ/producers. After having hosted his own ‘Magnifik’ stage at Extrema Outdoor and with debut performances at Tomorrowland coming up this summer, as well as a schedule full of new music, Samm is a rising talent that’s here to stay, ready to have his music heard by fans at festivals and dancefloors across the world!