Rushing, Axel Haube ve Robert Owens tarafından hareketli ve akıcı setler için üretilmiş Melodic Techno türünde bir parçadır. Parça Truesoul etiketiyle 21.02.2025 tarihinde yayına girdi.
“Rushing “, karanlık atmosfer ve sert davullarla ilerleyen, derinlik katan karanlık synth’lerle örülü bir Melodic Techno çalışması. Tiz melodiler, parçaya duygusal bir dokunuş katarken, klasik bass yürüyüşü enerjiyi dozlu bir şekilde arttırıyor.
Vokaller, dinleyiciyi mistik bir atmosfere çekiyor ve dans etmeye davet ediyor.
About Artist:
Axel Haube is an evocative DJ who plays with great control. He hints at where he’s going before pulling back, building tension, and dropping the right record at the right time to send crowds into overdrive. His storytelling sets of melodic and cosmic techno are powered by dark but driving grooves and laced with seductive melodies. Digging deep for unknown musical thrills and hypnotic pleasures is what sets him apart and have made him a mainstay of the underground who plays everywhere from the Afterlife stage at Tomorrowland to Circoloco Belgium, Hive, Ritter Butzke and Extrema Outdoor. It’s the same story in the studio. The Belgian’s music is built on a solid foundation of drums that move the dance floor while alluring synth details up top always take the mind away. His tracks are full of curious designs that keep you locked, smooth changes in energy that always keep you guessing, and speak to the mind and soul as well as the body. They have come on labels like Watergate Records, Petit Matin and Future Romance with high-profile support from Tale Of Us, Kevin de Vries, Massano and Camelphat. Axel’s own We Are brand hosts high-profile stages at festivals like Ostend Beach, Vaag Outdoor and several other clubs. It is an established fashion label that serves up fresh rave couture and will soon become a record label. Next for him are new tracks and remixes on Labyrinth, Eklektisch and Eleatics. Each one is another exciting chapter in the ever-evolving story of Axel Haube.