Hello dear CASSIMM aka Alessio, it’s a great honor to have you as a guest in our interview series. Undoubtedly, you are one of the top names in the UK’s House music career. We’ve prepared our questions to not put too much strain on you. Hopefully, it will be an enjoyable interview for you as well. If you’re ready, let’s get started.

1) How did your interest in music begin, and what led you to enter the world of DJing and music production?
My music journey started way back, I was 8 years old when I met music for the first time.
Before moving to dance music I’ve learned how to play guitar and electric bass, then drum and piano right after.
I’ve been a member of a band for years and that is something I brought with me in dance music, you know. Being a member of a band was fantastic but I always wanted to be a front man, do something that allowed me to take the reigns, you know that is something you hardly can do if you are a bass player in a corner of a stage. DJing gave me exactly that feeling I was looking for.
2) Who are the main artists that have influenced your music? And which genres?
So I don’t really have a single artist who influenced me more than another, I just took what I liked from different genres , and made it mine during my journey.
I remember when I was 16\17, I had one of those mp3 players that looked like a usb stick (really old stuff), and my folder had no sense at all, every song playing was literally different from the previous one, from dance to rock, to hard metal, to hip hop.
3) Could you provide some insights into your music production process? What equipment or software do you prefer to use?
I’m a very easy process guy on my works. I use Ableton live combined with samples and sometimes a guitar or my electric bass. Nothing too fancy to be honest.
4) Do you have any specific memories or stories that have provided emotional or creative inspiration for your music?
Not really. Inspiration comes from gigs. Every gig I get new inputs, new ideas and when I get back to the studio I’ll try to do something that gives me the same vibe of the best tracks I’ve played through the weekend .
5) Can you share some memories about your experience on stage while DJing? What was your most memorable performance?
Definitely a couple of closing sets, I absolutely love them. In fact I did one just recently in Barcelona for a party called Jackies.
All the cheering at the end, when the music went off and all I could hear was people expressing gratitude, just magic.
6) Who are the local DJs and producers in your country whose music you admire and appreciate?
Alaia & Gallo are my favourite at the moment.
7) What are your favorite standout tracks or projects in your body of work?
Oh Love Desire for sure, think is one of my best ones so far.
8) How do you define your music, and how do you express your unique sound?
I’m an house music lover that enjoy a bit of tech, listens also to good deep house and I enjoy the sounds of raw kicks.
Combine all these things together and that’s what my sound is.
9) Could you share some challenges or success stories you’ve encountered in your music career?
Honestly, it’s a continuous challenge, and that’s the Beauty of it I guess.
The pasillda remix it’s a good example of that. That was not an easy project to accept you know, putting my hand on a classic like that, when the original version still sounds so fresh.
But I wanted to challenge myself, see if I could do something different and that could give a new interpretation, and I think I did.
It was a success for me watching all the big artist supporting it around the world.
10) What are your future projects or goals? What can your listeners expect from you?
I’ve got a few interesting remixes coming out and a couple of new singles as well till the end of the year, but I always think that the best is yet to come.
Interview by: Aslı B.
Who is CASSIMM , DJ CASSIMM , Best House DJs , Beatport Top 100 DJs , About CASSIMM