Play, Jean Poly tarafından sakin ve akıcı playlistler için üretilmiş Indie Electronic türünde bir parçadır. Parça recordJet etiketiyle 05.02.2025 tarihinde yayına girdi.
“Play”, geleneksel şarkı formunun ötesine geçerek soyut ile dans pistini bir araya getiriyor. Derin bir uyku hissiyatında.
Duygusal açıdan güçlü tarafı ve yenilikçi yapısıyla, hem dinleyenleri düşünmeye davet ediyor hem de dans ettiriyor. Indie elektronik türünde dikkat çeken bir başlangıç!
About Artist:
Jean Poly is an artist from the Stuttgart area. Through sound, image, and word art, he takes a stance on a fast-paced and uncertain world. His debut “England” was released in 2009 by Tapete Records. Poly’s sound echoes as if from self-built spaceships over cities, suburbs, and industrial areas. A fragile and warm electronic sun rises.
Poly works at night, far from the music world, between keyboards and paintbrushes. He has shown no interest in public performances so far. If that were to change, he would design a unique stage set for each song. One can be curious to see what the future holds.