Full Metal, Sal Dulu tarafından sakin ve akıcı playlistler için üretilmiş Indie Electronic türünde bir parçadır. Parça 17.09.2024 tarihinde Duluoz Records etiketiyle yayına girdi.
“Full Metal,” deneysel Indie Electronic türündeki parça, akustik seslerin akışı, sürekli değişen ritmi ve huzur dolu beat ve vokalleriyle dikkat çekiyor.
Sanatçının modern ve geleneksel seslere olan bağlılığı, parçanın her anında hissediliyor. Organik akış, dinleyiciye keyifli bir deneyim sunarken, sinematik bir doğal yolculuğa davet ediyor.
About Artist:
Irish producer Sal Dulu’s moniker is something he considers as relatively insignificant. It’s a random decision he made years ago that’s stuck. Still, it’s arguably indicative of his approach to creativity: “Sal Dulu” is rooted in his teen love of the Beat Generation – Sal as in, Sal Paradise, Dulu as in, Jack Duluouz. These were both semi-autobiographical characters written by Jack Kerouac, who was known for his dizzying stream-of-consciousness style of writing.
Real name Senan Magee, Sal Dulu’s way of making music sits somewhere in that same vein of unplanned experimentation. The Dublin-based producer’s expansive yet fragmentary worlds are born out of sitting in the studio late into the night and, as he puts it, “seeing what happens.” You can hear that sense of hazy, explorative nocturnal freedom on his acclaimed debut album, 2021’s Xompulse, which won praise from the Guardian, Bandcamp, the Line of Best Fit, the Financial Times and more. Now he is gearing up to release the record’s vibrant follow-up, Nafuchsia In Fantasy, named in part after his girlfriend.