Rush, Bishu ve Nevve tarafından enerjik ve hareketli setler için üretilmiş bir Melodik Tech House parçasıdır. Monstercat etiketiyle 15.06.2023 tarihinde yayına girdi.
Label Announcement:
Leading with a hypnotic synth line that promptly explodes into punchy piano keys and pulsating percussion, Bishu & Nevve’s “Rush” sounds like a classic house song the second the needle drops. Rumbling bass sits behind the clappy snares and subtly carries each verse into an uplifting and boisterous chorus. But the icing on the cake are Nevve’s vocals – pitched, chopped, and scattered all across the landscape of the song. The result is truly hypnotic, and leaves no doubt that we’ll be hearing “Rush” blazing through dancefloors across the world all summer long.
Bishu expands on the tracks development:
“I started this song with a completely different vocal, I was stoked on the production and really wanted it to see the light of day. However, something happened with that vocal (it was already taken or used), so the song was pretty much dead in the water. Until I received the Nevve vocal. I pitched it up a little bit and it somehow just worked. Pumped to have this out!”